In the Wake of the Komagata Maru Book, Surrey Art Gallery
graphic design, layout, prepress production, editorial support

In the Wake of the Komagata Maru: Transpacific Migration, Race and Contemporary Art, documents the Gallery's exhibition Ruptures in Arrival: Art in the Wake of the Komagata Maru and its corresponding symposium that were presented in 2014 to mark the 100th anniversary of the Komagata Maru incident.
CREDITS. Published by Surrey Art Gallery, Kwantlen University, and Art on Main. Project Curator and Co-Editor: Jordan Strom, Surrey Art Gallery. Graphic Design, Cover Photograph, and Co-Editing: Lisa Marshall, That Blue. Artworks shown in the sample pages: Karin Lee and Ali Kazimi. See the Surrey Art Gallery Website for the full list of artists and writers, and access to the publication.